Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Lovely Wedding

May 30, 2010 is the big day! While we are still wading through the specifics, I thought some of you might be interested in the chapel we chose for the ceremony.
The Little Chapel in the Woods is located on the Texas Woman's University (TWU) campus in Denton, TX. While it is not really "in the woods," it is most certainly "little." In fact, space is going to be at a premium at the ceremony so I need all friends and family to start dieting now so we can squeeze a few more in there.
The chapel was built in 1939. The artwork, including this stained-glass window, was designed and created by students of the university, as was the lighting, flooring, and woodwork. Very nice.

While these photos make the chapel seem very bright and cheerful, I assure you it is actually quite dark and dungeony.

Alright, I guess that's all for now. We'll be back soon with more pictures and stuff. You think I don't have anything better to do than update my blog? Jeez Louize!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Look, We Blog Too!

So this is our blog. Yes we are a little late, but better late than cliche`. HA!

Don't expect us, family and friends, to update this too often. We are easily distracted and we're sure nobody cares too much about our junk. But for the sake of keeping up with the times, here we are.

We're not really sure what to blog about, so we'll just throw some pictures at you.
Here's Loc Dogg or "Loki" as he is more commonly known. As some of you may already know, Loki is the Norse god of chaos. Nah, I don't know what he's god of. But he sure is fuzzy!
Oh, just pulling some weeds with my buddy-bud. Jenna couldn't resist this shot of my butt crack. She took several, but this is the best! Delicious!

This is Ashtray or "Kitty Girl." She is a sweetie-poo. She recently recovered from an upper-respiratory illness. She is now feeling purr-fect. Get it? Cause she's a cat?

Here she is again with an over-the-shoulder glamour shot. Stunning!
Speaking of glamour shots, here is our model dog. She loves to pose for pictures. What a cheeser!

So this is Eleanor Rigby or Ellie or Ellie Belly or any of the other crazy crap we call her. She is awfully cute and awfully good.
Captain Byrd is the latest addition to our family. He is a quaker parrot. He doesn't say much, but he's sure good at cleaning faces. Really, he will sit on your shoulder and nibble the grease off your face for hours. Isn't that precious? No? Oh well.

So that's our little family. You'll notice none of our children are human beings. That's because animals smell better and are cheaper. And if they really get on your nerves, you can give them away or eat them! Mmmmm, hot dogs! And hot cats, too.